Weekly postings on Mondays

Sunday, October 23, 2011

On Going to Church Twice a Month

You have no idea of the temptations I face Sunday mornings, especially in the summer.

In the few weeks of pleasant weather Minnesota affords in this season, it is vitally important that I squeeze in all the golf I can.

Because soon I'll be back in jail: Minnesota winter.

Plus, most of the golf I play at my club involves outreach to some salty characters who could use a good dose of Jesus in their lives. I love these guys and feel called to them. Often.

So that leaves me with about two Sundays/month for church attendance between May and October. And that's not even factoring in excursions out of town with family and friends.

But wait a second. There's actually a different way to do church, different from what I've said above.

And that is to place it at the head of the line -- the top of the priority list -- before golf and all the other distractions which I so easily justify.

This prioritizing is what Sharon and I have tried to do.

Not that we never miss church. We do, on occasion.

But worship and fellowship with God's people --  with "our" God's people, where we find our sense of Christian identity and place of service -- is indispensable for the Christian life. We cannot live (properly) without it.

I have no interest in turning this principle into a legality.

But the spirit of the thing, the spirit of active participation, of being there -- yes, even of some sense of duty (an old fashioned word that I hope will make a comeback), is what really counts.

I hope to see you in the house of God this weekend.

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