Let's just call it TP.
Guess what happened?
The friendships in TP grew so rich, the humor so hilarious, the fellowship so sweet, the discussions so penetrating, that we expanded by 25%.
We went from three people to four.
One is Catholic. One is Episcopalian. One is Covenant. And one is a generic evangelical.
We're not looking for new members.
When I describe the group to other friends, they look at me with longing and envy.
Seems many of us desire to be in a fraternity where we are deeply loved and deeply challenged. Where the level of honesty and transparency trumps the superficiality that often passes for Christian community.
Granted, TP is an unusual group.
But your TP is out there, waiting to happen. You may need to quit something else (maybe five other things) to get your group going.
Try starting with just one other person. And in that regard I have a simple suggestion:
Choose wisely.
Hi Rick,
I've been part of a TP with four other men for nearly two years. We meet in "secret" (very privately) and go way beyond the superficial fellowship that's common to our busy-busy-busy culture. We love Christ and meet to live out more holy marriages as husbands, dads, grandfathers, etc.
All the best always, John
John, Awesome! You are probably the envy of others who know about your group.
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