Weekly postings on Mondays

Monday, June 21, 2010

The Acid Test

Here’s why I think “midreach” (speaking to Christians and nonChristians at the same time—see my last three posts below) is so profound:

  1. It revives the idea that public speaking (or interactive presentation) is a true art form—carefully crafted, thoroughly prayed over.
  2. It is audience-centered. It takes account of who’s listening as the speech act is designed.
  3. It tends to avoid (or explain) Christian lingo.
  4. It takes the Bible out of the purely “religious” sphere and places it squarely in the pathway of people’s everyday lives, whether they are Christian or not.
 Here’s the acid test: If you attend a presentation or listen to a sermon and you receive something valuable for your own development AND you wish your nonChristian friend were present, you probably just witnessed some good midreach.

On the other hand, if you went away saying, “Whew, good thing Amy (or whomever) didn’t show up today. . . “, well, most of us have thought that a few times.

In my view, doing quality midreach is vital for collegiate ministry (where I work). How about in your ministry/church?

1 comment:

Peter Park said...

I think it's important for multicultural worship ministries, as we are trying to bridge the gap between believers amongst one another and to have a heart for the unbeliever.