Weekly postings on Mondays

Sunday, September 01, 2013

Character 4: Resting

I have trouble with Sabbath rest.

Due to the privilege of enjoying my work, it's often hard to stop.

When I do stop, I gravitate toward entertainment: movies, outings, golf -- each a definite change of pace from work.

The "Ping-Pong ball" doesn't stop, but bounces back and forth between work and play. That's me.

Sabbath rest just seems slippery. I'm a naturally motivated person. I like to achieve, attain, acquire, conquer, develop -- these are active verbs. Not exactly the ingredients of rest.

I like reading. But theology? Philosophy? That's my job. Spy novels? That's entertainment.

There goes the Ping-Pong ball again, back and forth, never at rest.


OK, maybe I'm not completely helpless. Here are three ideas:

1. Devotional reading. Reading that feeds the soul. Two authors I enjoy are Henri Nouwen and Eugene Peterson.

2. Prayer and a nap, followed by yard work.

3. A leisurely hike. Maybe with golf clubs in hand . . .  uhh, I'm conflicted about this.


This past year I memorized Psalm 1. Here the wise person meditates on God's law day and night and becomes like a tree planted by streams of water. That sounds restful.

How do you take Sabbath rest?

photo credit: http://www.northeastern.edu/seattle/ping-pong-table-unveiling/ping-pong-paddle-1934841/

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